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Idaho Vandals Consider Beaver as New Mascot

Longtime Idaho State University mascot, the Viking Vandal, may soon be getting a replacement.

ISU released a statement on Wednesday announcing the formation of a committee to look into the mascot change.

Committee chairman, Ed Simon says the change will give students what they want.

“This entire effort began with a Facebook petition,” Simon says. “Over twenty thousand students have said they’d rather have a beaver represent the campus than a Viking.”

The change would require the school’s beloved sports teams to change their name to the Idaho Beavers.

Locals like Phil Gobbs, are happy with the change.

“I never seen a Viking in Idaho but I sure do see a lot of beavers,” Gobbs said. “Just the other day I was looking for a place to sleep and I came across a giant beaver munching on a big brown log by the river.”

The original mascot was created in 1972 during a regional baseball championship game against the Oregon Ducks.

The game took place in Oregon and went into extra innings.

It was the bottom of the 12th inning when ISU ran out of available hitters. The last batter had been injured during a play. ISU could either forfeit the game or they could summon another person to pinch-hit.

Legend has it that an unruly fan in a Viking costume had been chosen by the ISU baseball coach. Believing they would lose, the players saw the stunt as a joke.

The Viking, well into his fifties, claimed to have played for the Yankees in his youth. Still donning his Viking garb, the man hit a game winning home run on the first pitch.

Ever since, the baseball coach demanded to have a backup player dressed as a Viking at all times.

The Viking soon made its way to football, volleyball, and even ping-pong matchups.

“If fans like the Viking, they can still dress up like one,” Simon said. “But I think the beaver will be a better fit.”

The beaver will debut next year.



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