"Build the New Library Inside the New Stadium"
Updated: May 15, 2019
by Bethany Lloyd

I like libraries, don’t get me wrong, but you can’t drink a beer inside a library without a security guard asking you to leave. Now let me ask you: have you ever been asked to leave for drinking a beer inside a baseball stadium?
This is why I am calling on the city of Boise to do something that will solve the great debate of whether we should use tax funds to build a library or a baseball stadium.
The answer is simple: build the library inside of the baseball stadium. It can be one big building where you can check-out a book and go to the concession stand for a hot dog.
It will be a great investment.
Librarians could work the line by selling hotdogs and cracker jacks, while also collecting late fees and preventing teenagers from downloading porn on the public computers. Believe me, it's what Boise needs.
My plan would replace the existing library downtown with the stadium/library. And yes, it will have parking on-site. It will also have a plan for The Cabin, which would actually be expanded by adding two additional basement levels and a full service bar called The Log.
Boise needs more partnerships like these. We can set an example for the rest of the nation to follow with new and forward-thinking ideas.